My VMware Explore Europe 2022 Top5 Session picks

 As I am mostly based in the SDDC area with a focus on VDI, my top sessions are based on vSphere, NSX and Horizon.

1. Extreme Performance Series: vSphere Advanced Performance Tutorial [CEIT1097EUR] on Monday.

When working in the VDI, Performance is often very important. Therefore it is helpful to know, where to tune the hardware's parameter, so that vSphere is able to execute the VMs with the best performance possible.

2. VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Networks) - Getting Started [ELW-HOL-2337-01-NET]

This is a good Hands On Expert led session to learn the new NSX Advanced Loadbalancer.  As a NSX-V or NSX-T Standard Loadbalancer user this will allow a good introduction in the number 1 and in future only one Load Balancer for NSX.


3.The (Not So) Dark Art of Application Packaging and Profiling [CXS2450EUR]

In the EUC sector there are a lot of Windows application with different challenges when it comes to packing into an App Volumes package. It is always good to know how others solve the challenges around application packaging.


4.  Project Monterey Behind the Scenes: A Technical Deep Dive [CEIB1576EUR]

 SmartNICs or DPUs (Data processing units) might be the next big thing in modern networks. They allow massive latency drops which is crucial for latency sensitive applications and they reduces the load on the CPU of a server. This solution might reduce the need for SRIOV for certain network latency critical apps. Currently NVIDIA Bluefield and AMD Pensando are possible SmartNIC vendors. This session is useful to get a look when market adaption is starting.

5.  10 Amazing Innovations in vSphere 8 That You Absolutely Need to Know [CEIB1574EUR]

This session is a must for all vSphere users. vSphere is still a core product of VMware and I love to get a look into the new features.

